Sustainable Workplace Policy

Policy Number
Board of Trustees
Date Approved
Effective Date
Responsible Division
Plant Operations

Carteret Community College is committed to providing a sustainable workplace by reducing, reusing, and recycling resources, and adopting sound institutional energy and water conservation practices to enhance the long-term well-being of the College. The President shall establish procedures to implement this policy.


Carteret Community College is committed to maintaining a sustainable workplace. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to play a role in promoting a sustainable workplace. It is the responsibility of the Vice President of Plant Operations or designee to see that the following procedures are followed:

Energy and Water Conservation

  1. Room temperatures − during operating hours, thermostats will be set and maintained to provide for cooling energy to lower room temperatures to 72-75 degrees Fahrenheit. When heating is used, thermostats shall be set and maintained to raise the room temperature to 68-71 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Portable heaters − the use of portable heaters is prohibited except when room temperatures are below 65 degrees. This will be determined by Vice President of Plant Operations.
  3. Water heaters − temperature will be set at an efficient operating temperature of 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
  4. Lighting − reduce lighting loads by turning off lights in all rooms not in use or when no classes are in session.

Sustainable Campus Landscape Planting

Plantings shall be:

  1. Ecologically appropriate and reflect our desire to be thoughtful stewards of the natural resource under our protection
  2. Regionally adapted and suitable for landscape microclimates, pest pressures, and soils of the campus
  3. Composed of native plants grouped in biodiverse natural associations when possible
  4. Educational, communicating a sense of place that helps students, staff, administrators, and guests understand the rich biodiversity and the limiting resources of our region.

Purchase of Paper, Paper Products, and Other Paper Consumables

Paper, paper products, and other related paper consumable purchase for use on campus should have the following attributes, which are listed in order of importance:

  1. Paper should come from a manufacturer that documents source materials that come from a certified sustainably managed forest.
  2. Paper should have the highest level of recycled/recovered fiber content possible for intended use.
  3. Paper should come from vendors that have documented sustainable business practices and commitments.


Multi-bin recycling receptacles are located throughout the Campus.  Items to be recycled include:

  • Plastics
  • Aluminum
  • Glass
  • Cardboard
  • Office paper

Other items to be collected for off-site recycling include:

  • Batteries
  • Cardboard
  • Light bulbs
  • Grease
  • Used chemicals