Emergency General Staff

The Emergency General Staff has horizontal and vertical communication with command and general staff elements to fulfill the mission objectives of the operation. Staffing will directly depend on the needs, complexity, and size of the operation. In correlation with the ICS principles, flexibility, span of control, and chain of command will be implemented to ensure accountability of personnel assigned to the operation.

All College-designated emergency operations general staff shall be trained on ICS Basic, the National Incident Management System and any specific functional role and responsibilities to effectively interface with College command staff and Campus Emergency Response Team operations. Designated staff will participate in exercises.

Position Tasks Books (PTB) shall be utilized for the roles and responsibilities required of activated and designated functions. These PTB shall be part of the training, cross training and exercise program for Campus Emergency Response Teams in concert with the credentialing or qualifying plan of personnel for Emergency Operations.

Operations Section

The operations (OPS) section shall have a designated Chief who will interface with the College’s EMAT and Command Staff of the emergency operations. The Ops Section Chief may designate a Deputy who must be qualified to function as the Chief in his/her absence.

Staffing for the operations section shall be trained, and equipped personnel for ensuring adherence to Incident Command System span of control and chain of command. The operations section shall be made up of three teams to ensure coverage during and after normal business hours. Teams will be placed on call during declared incidents.

Example: Building Captains may also be crossed trained as Protective Action Team members to ensure the safe evacuation of the campus premises, lock-down or shelter in place procedures to implement Protective Action Procedures.

Logistics Section

The logistics (LOG) section shall have a designated Chief who will interface with the College’s EMAT and Command Staff of the emergency operations. The LOG Section Chief may designate a Deputy who must be qualified to function as the Chief in his/her absence.

Figure 1: Carteret Community College Emergency Management Structure

All logistical needs of the operations shall be coordinated through the Logistics section for National Incident Management System recommendations on resource management and interoperability with local jurisdictional response operations.

Logistics shall ensure that operational needs are met with the facility, equipment, supplies and needs of personnel to meet the objectives of the operation.

The LOG Chief will work with the Safety Officer to ensure that operational facilities meet Occupational Safety & Health requirements.

Planning Section

The planning section shall have a designated Chief who will interface with the College’s EMAT and Command Staff of the emergency operations. The Planning Section Chief may designate a Deputy who must be qualified to function as the Chief in his/her absence.

Members of the Planning Section shall facilitate all briefings (including Lessons Learned– post incident) conducted for the emergency operations and are considered the information specialists of the operation.

The Planning Chief will maintain incident action planning process and documentation of the incident status. Members of the Planning Section shall be trained to the Incident Command System planning process, including the applications used for mapping and data analysis.

This section will coordinate with other general staff sections to provide Command Staff with up to date status of the operations for strategic planning and operational period objectives.

Finance & Administration Section

The Finance & Administration section shall have a designated Chief who will interface with the College’s EMAT and Command Staff of the emergency operations. The Finance and Administrative Section Chief may designate a Deputy who must be qualified to function as the Chief in his/her absence.

Figure 1: Carteret Community College Emergency Management Structure

All personnel assigned to the operations shall check in and out with the Finance and Administration Section for Human Resource Accountability. Additional human resource requests shall be made through this section.

Documentation for all of the Emergency Operations including contract administration, exercised Memorandums of Understanding or Mutual Aid Agreements shall be maintained by this section.

Emergency Operations Plan rosters and credential or qualification plans of personnel shall be maintained by this section. This section will assist other section leads to conduct after action assessment of participants to coordinate the facilitation of ad hoc training needs of the operation.