College EOC Manager

When the College EOC is activated, the command structure changes to coordination and the College’s Incident Commander remains on-scene to coordinate with local, county, or state jurisdictional response operations. The College EOC Manager, typically the College’s Director of Security and Emergency Preparedness or their designee, shall interface with the designated jurisdictional EOC, activate the required command and general staff for the College’s EOC, and initiate the Incident Action Plan and Operational Period to support response and recovery operations of the crisis, emergency, or disaster. If the incident is isolated to the premises of the College, the College EOC Manager may demobilize the operation once all objectives have been met and the College resumes normal operations.

Safety Officer

The priority of life, safety, and security is foremost in all operations of the Incident Action Plan. The Safety Officer has direct communication to the person in charge, the initial IC or College EOC Manager. The role and responsibility of the Safety Officer designated for the incident is to ensure all response operations personnel are able to conduct operations safely and without endangerment to their life. 

The Safety Officer will interface with the appropriate department officers for coordination in operations for Levels 2 and 3 as needed or directed by local, county, or state EOC.

Public Information Officer (PIO)

The designated Public Information Officer (PIO) for the incident shall be the point of contact for public, media, and all external affairs information processing. The PIO shall ensure that the College’s message is unified and accurate to manage the public perception of the incident and support the needs of the command staff of the College. 

The College PIO will interface with the President and Joint Information Center (JIC) of the jurisdictional response operation if required. The PIO is a member of the command staff and answers directly to the EOC Manager, while coordinating to keep the College President and Executive Leadership Council up to date on all information.

Liaison Officer(s)

In direct support of the operations, Liaison Officers are activated depending on the impact, complexity, and size of the operation. Liaison Officers may be staffed by respective entities within the College that are functionally capable to interface with internal affairs of the College or the jurisdictional local, county, or state support provided to the College’s operations.

The incident response operations will drive the requirements for liaisons to support the mission. Examples of these may include, critical incident stress management; public utilities; private sector infrastructure; public health; Environmental Protection Agency; Law Enforcement; transportation; Red Cross, or other voluntary agencies; and other internal or external functions.

*Liaisons are members of the Command Staff in the Incident Command System Structure and may have ad hoc positions added depending on the complexity of the incident.