Academic Integrity Policy

Policy Number
Board of Trustees
Date Approved
Effective Date
Responsible Division
Instruction and Student Support

Two key values at Carteret Community College are honesty and integrity. These values are critical within our learning environment. Students are expected to exhibit academic honesty and integrity in all college endeavors. This specifically means that all students will avoid the following: plagiarism, cheating, fabrication and academic misconduct. 

Faculty and academic administration will develop procedural guidelines to address violations of academic integrity.

Definition of Terms:

Plagiarism: to represent the words, ideas, or materials of another person without acknowledgement.  Not citing properly, cutting and pasting from the Internet, and representing another’s words or ideas constitutes plagiarism.  College-level work should be the thoughtful reflection and assessment of the published materials learners have gathered for study while being written and cited properly. Reflection and summary represent critical thinking skills. Students who are in doubt as to whether they are providing proper attribution should consult with their instructor or a tutor in Academic Support for guidance.  

Cheating: is using unauthorized materials or receiving unauthorized assistance before, during or after a quiz, test, examination or other academic assignment.  Permission from an  instructor should always be granted before collaboration with any other individual or outside resource on an assignment. 

Fabrication: is the use of invented information or the falsification of research or other findings in completing any course related activity.   

Academic Misconduct: includes academically dishonest acts such as tampering with grades or taking part in stealing, buying or obtaining an exam or assignment.


When an instructor identifies a potential academic integrity violation, the course instructor shall request a meeting with the student via college email to discuss the incident.  A face to face meeting is preferable; however, if it is not possible, a meeting to discuss the allegations via email or other technology is acceptable. The student will have an opportunity to respond to the allegations.  If the alleged incident of academic dishonesty occurs while using academic support and/or testing services, the college employee witnessing or involved in the incident will report the suspicions to the course instructor within twenty-four hours. The course instructor will then follow the procedure outlined above.  

Within five business days of the initial contact with the student, if the instructor decides to impose a consequence (see academic integrity consequences below), the instructor will initiate an Academic Integrity Violation form, documenting the details of the incident, student notification and the imposed consequence.  The instructor will obtain signatures from the student, instructor, program chair and division dean.  If an instructor is not able to contact the student, or obtain the student’s signature, this will not stop the process of reporting the violation.   

The instructor then submits a completed form to the Dean of Student Services. Reports of Academic Integrity violations are kept on file in the office of the Dean of Student Services. The Dean of Student Services will notify the instructor, copying the chair, academic dean and Vice President of Instruction and Student Services, about any prior violations of academic integrity for that student, which may result in further consequences.  Violations of the Academic Integrity Policy do not expire.  

Students who wish to appeal should see Appeal of Academic Action in Section 7.6 of the College Catalog and Student Handbook.

Academic Integrity Consequences

Deliberate violation of the academic integrity policy will result in the following consequences:

First offense – A grade of zero on the assignment/test, which may or may not lead to failure in the course. 

Second offense – Failure of the course, regardless of whether the second offense occurred in the same course/semester or in a different or subsequent course/semester.  Students who are removed from a class for violating the academic integrity policy will receive a grade of “F” for the course and cannot receive a grade of “WD”.    

Third offense – Recommended student suspension or expulsion.      

Specific Programs (e.g. health science programs, BLET): Certain programs of study may employ different procedures or consequences as required by their outside accrediting bodies or agencies.  

Example Violations of Academic Integrity 

Violations of academic integrity include but are not limited to the following examples:

  • Copying or collaborating on assignments without permission.  
  • Quoting, paraphrasing or summarizing someone else’s work without giving proper citations. 
  • Submitting an assignment purchased and/or copied from an online or commercial entity.
  • Using unauthorized materials (e.g., textbook, notes, technological devices) during an examination. 
  • Sharing information about the contents of an assignment (including examination) that a student has not taken.
  • Interfering electronically with the property of another individual via college computer or other means.  
  • Sharing a student CCC username/password or other course login information.
  • Using unauthorized translation software and assistance from native speakers or advanced level students in foreign language classes.