Reduction in Force Policy

Policy Number
Board of Trustees
Date Approved
Effective Date
Responsible Division
Human Resources

Financial exigency, decline in student enrollment, or the reduction, consolidation or elimination of programs or services may necessitate reduction in the number of personnel employed by the College.  The President shall monitor the availability of financial resources, enrollments, program needs, and staff requirements, both present and future.  When appropriate and upon review with the Board, the President shall initiate separation through reduction-in-force.

The decision to implement a reduction-in-force shall be based first upon College needs.  Secondary considerations may include employee performance and skills to perform available work, in addition to seniority factors.  All decisions to include employees in the pool of reduced workers must be in keeping with the College’s equal opportunity policies, as well as other applicable policies and laws.

Employees identified for reduction-in-force should be notified as soon as practical and in compliance with applicable federal law.