Carteret Community College is committed to the open-door philosophy. Student access to the College is maintained without regard torace, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or disability. Equal access to all curricula and student activities is also guaranteed.Students, however, must meet the basic requirements for each specific curriculum. Students are also guaranteed the rights of dueprocess. This process is administered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or disability, as outlined by thefollowing legislation or policies:
- Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972
- Section 703 of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
- North Carolina Amendment Act of 1972
- Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Persons who perceive they have been discriminated against on the basis of any of the aforementioned criteria may contact either theCollege’s Title IX Deputy Coordinator at (252) 222-6237 or Director of Human Resources and Title IX Coordinator at (252) 222-6225 or 3505 Arendell Street, Morehead City, NC 28557-2989; the Director, Office of Civil Rights, Education Department, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202, (202) 376-8177; or Director, Veterans Administration Regional Office, 251 North Main Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27102, telephone 1-800-827-1000.
Individuals with disabilities who need assistance or require special accommodations to access College programs or activities must request such services in advance by contacting the counselor who coordinates disability services.
For additional information, contact Carteret Community College.
Carteret Community College
3505 Arendell Street
Morehead City, NC 28557
Phone: (252) 222-6000
Fax: (252) 222-6265