Naming and Recognition for Significant Contributions Policy

Policy Number
Board of Trustees
Date Approved
Effective Date
Responsible Division
Office of the President

The authority for naming buildings or other facilities as well as providing significant, permanent recognition through plaques, physical memorials, or other means rests solely with the Board of Trustees.  This policy includes donations made to the College Foundation for the purpose of establishing endowments for faculty positions, buildings/facilities, or ongoing, permanent program support.  This policy does not include endowments made to the Foundation for student scholarships or for direct student support.

Buildings may be named to recognize individuals or organizations that have made a significant contribution to the College or its mission.  This contribution may be in the form of donations of significant financial or capital resources or through outstanding service to the College or dedication and commitment to its goals.  The Board shall also consider the impact on the image and reputation of the College by its association with the person or organization selected for this recognition.  

At its discretion, the Board may also consider assigning names of individuals whose local, state, or national leadership is of such stature to warrant this honor.  Until the Board determines the name of a building, its function, location, or other generally recognized feature will be used.  It will require a positive vote of 75 percent of the Board members present at the final reading to name a building.

Carteret Community College and the Carteret Community College Foundation, Inc., reserve the right to terminate the naming rights of a building, property, or major academic units should it be determined that the continued use of this name compromises the public’s trust or image of the college in the event the organization or donor’s name is tarnished due to criminal acts or unethical behavior, or if the organization or donor does not perform obligations specified in the gift agreement.

Definitions of terms:

Major Academic Units: departments, classrooms, labs, gardens, or any other area determined by the President.

Property: Any campus structure, street, landmark, or subpart thereof, or any other physical improvement owned or operated by the college or foundation.

  1. Potential nominations for naming buildings, parts of buildings, or memorials will be made to the College president or Chair of the Board of Trustees.  Such potential nominations should be accompanied by a brief explanation of why this person or organization should receive this recognition. All potential nominations are to be held in strictest confidence.  
  2. If the Chair determines that there is sufficient interest of the members of the Board to consider this person or organization, the Chair shall charge the Building and Grounds Committee to use whatever means it deems appropriate to determine whether this proposed action is in the best long-term interest of the College and whether the contribution of the individual or organization is of such significance to warrant this action.  As a guide, the Committee should consider the following:
    1. Significant donation of financial or capital resources.  The College Foundation will prepare and periodically update a recommended guide to determine the level of significance of a financial or capital donation. A prepared “naming opportunities” list may be used to give donors an idea of available items.
    2. Commitment to the mission of the College and dedication to its purpose and goals.  The committee will seek supporting documentation or testimony from any individual or group necessary to determine the significance of this person or organization’s contribution.
    3. The character of the person or the mission and image of the organization.
    4. Because of the nature of these discussions, all deliberations of the Committee will be “Closed Sessions.”  Also, all documentation and testimony will be kept in strictest confidence.
  3. Because the decision to name a building or provide other permanent recognition involves discussion of finances, the character of individuals, and the work, mission, and image of corporations, the Committee will make its recommendation to the Board at a regular meeting in Closed Session.
  4. If the Board determines that there is not sufficient evidence to support this action, no further action will be taken.  The Board minutes will reflect that the Board came out of Closed Session and no recommendation or action was taken.
  5. If the Board determines that there is sufficient evidence and support to consider this action, the Board will come out of Closed Session and vote to consider this person or organization for this specific naming or recognition.
  6. The Board will vote whether to officially assign this name to this facility at its next regular meeting.  The Board will not vote to name a building or facility at the same meeting in which the Board votes to consider it.
  7. The Buildings and Grounds Committee of the Board will make arrangements for a commemorative plaque and dedication ceremony as appropriate.